The guests present wear funeral dress or mourning clothes as a sign of mourning for the funeral. Not to be confused with the shroud – which is put on the deceased before it is buried.
Appropriate clothing during the time of mourning
If you have lost a close relative, you can also use mourning clothing to express your grief in the aftermath of your death. For example, it used to be common for widows to wear black for at least a year. After their husband’s death, then for some time to wear dark colors such as brown and purple. Nowadays it’s no longer like that. Although it is still common in some conservative areas to wear mourning clothing, the decision is entirely up to you. Everyone deals with a loss differently, and it helps some more than others to let the grief out.
In the event of a death, many people are not sure what the right mourning clothing is for the funeral. Is it permissible to wear a cocktail dress? Is there a special funeral fashion? What are the appropriate mourning clothes for children?
The funeral dress is now much more casual than in previous decades. Still requires a conservative appearance. If the deceased or their family have not specifically specified a special dress code, the following rules apply:
- Monochrome garments in black or dark blue, gray or brown tones
- White shirt or blouse
- Matching black or dark shoes
- More formal than festive garments
That is why both men and women have a certain amount of leeway when it comes to choosing clothes.
Funeral dress for women
Women are appropriately dressed in a black or dark dress or a dark skirt with a white blouse. But trousers are also a good choice. You can also wear a blazer, jacket, or dark knitted vest. Clothing should cover shoulders and knees and should not be too tight. To do this, avoid short sleeves and a generous neckline. Also, avoid too much makeup and try to wear flat heels.
In conservative areas as well as in high is still customary to wear a hat to a funeral dress. If you are unsure, it is best to check with the deceased’s family.
Funeral dress for men
Men are well-advised to wear a suit – this can also be a business suit, as long as it is solid black or another dark color. A white shirt a matching tie and a black or dark coat go well with this.
Instead of a suit, you can also wear dark trousers with a shirt and a matching dark jacket. Divide opinions on whether to wear black jeans to a funeral. ut check with the family of the deceased for confirmation.
Mourning clothes for children
A funeral can be a depressing experience, especially for smaller children. In view of this, it is now common and accepted for children to wear well-groomed everyday clothing. Don’t wear bright colors if possible. The same dress code applies to young people as to adults.
Uniforms as mourning attire
If the deceased wore a uniform in his professional life or was a member of an association in which uniforms are worn, then colleagues or other association members often appear at the funeral in this uniform. In this case, the uniform is worn as a sign of respect and appreciation for the commitment of the deceased.
Why is it customary to wear a funeral dress?
In Central European and North American cultures, especially since the 19th century, care has been taken to ensure that the color of clothing is black or at least very dark, because black in the Western world symbolizes death, among other things.
In the past, people considered black clothing a sign of prosperity, not grief. This is due to the fact that untreated fabric – gray or beige – was cheaper than colored clothing. The most expensive shade was dark purple tipping black. The color tone had gained importance in a social context, as not everyone could afford clothes in this color.
Black clothing also means that your own clothing preferences for this day are subordinated to the sad occasion.
Is black the predominant color of mourning all over the world?
Do you always have to wear black to a funeral?

Joyce Espinoza, Expert Life Insurance Agent
Joyce Espinoza is a trusted life insurance agent at She’s been in the insurance industry for over ten years, helping people, especially those with special health conditions to find the right coverage. At MLife Insurance, Joyce writes easy-to-understand articles that help readers make smart choices about life insurance. Previously, she worked directly with clients at Mlife Insurance, advising nearly 3,000 of them on life insurance options.