GEICO Insurance

Accidental Death Insurance

GEICO, also known as Government Employees Insurance Company, was founded in 1936 in the Mary Land U.S. The company was initially started to give insurances to government employees and military officers. However, today, it stands as the second-largest U.S auto insurance company providing coverage for more than 27 million vehicles belonging to more than 16 million policyholders. To substantiate its customer-centric model, The GEICO provides a 24-hour a day, 365-day a year telephone service for claims, sales, and service and holds almost 17 major offices across the country.

GEICO was given an AA+ rating from Standard & Poor’s, an A++ from A.M. Best, and an Aa1 from Moody’s. Kanbay Research Institute ranked them #1 for being the most demanded insurer based on customer service.

GEICO insurance provides a wide range of Insurance products. These include Vehicle Insurance, Property Insurance, Business Insurance, and Additional Insurance, including Life Insurance, Pet Insurance, Travel Insurance, and Jewelry Insurance, etc.

GEICO Insurance Plans


GEICO Life Insurance Company

GEICO Life Insurance generally comes in two types:

  1. GEICO Term Life Insurance
  2. Whole Life Insurance GEICO 

Life Insurance Quote:

Life Insurance Quote can be acquired depending on the income level and the occupation. You are required to fill in specific information regarding the medical condition and information such as height, blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol level. It also depends on the amount of outstanding debt left on things, such as mortgage rituals and loans, etc.


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